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Christian Ministers Foretold New Orleans Disaster
Also Predict More Catastrophes for St. Louis and Other Areas
Is it Real or Fake? You Decide
On July 22nd, 2005, while in Texas ministering, Kim Clement received a word from the Spirit which was spoken publicly at Christian Life Center in Humble, TX. Here is the word: Servants of God; Gatekeepers of New Orleans:
"Enough of past curses reminding you of yesterday’s failures. Enough of New Orleans and its treachery. Enough of stealing the Ark of the Covenant from my people just because you had those surrounding you that had no faith. Caleb said "we are able to take this land;" Joshua said "we are able to take this land." But ten voices arose against the Lord God. And they would stone my servant Moses and say let us stone them and raise up another leader so that we may go back to Egypt. Would you go back to your dung? Would you go back to your vomit? O New Orleans God speaks to you from Houston tonight and says enough of this! For a judgment is coming says the Spirit of the Lord, and I will take the men that have stood in faith, raise them above the flood that shall destroy those that constantly bicker and stand against my servant Moses, or my servant Bilbo. I want you to understand there are great men in New Orleans that have faith, but you have been set aside not to lose but to win. Enough of this! For I will take the curses and the bodies will even rise and they will come forth on the water, but I will keep you and the stench of death will only last a few days. And then what I promised two years ago will come to pass for August, September and October of this year I made a promise it would happen, and God said be strengthened now, be strengthened now, for enough is enough says the Lord." Visit Kim and Cuck D. for more info
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Urban Spirit Editorial Children and Youth in the Innercity Are “Set Up to Drink Up”.. Innercity Liquor Stores Sell Just As Much Candy and Snacks to Children and Youth as They Sell Liquor to Adults 
This Article was Published in the Chicago Pure News African American Weekly
During the 1950’s and 1960’s the inner city thrived with several mom and pop confectioneries.    If someone wanted to satisfy a specific taste, they could take a 5-minute stroll to a neighborhood confectionery not too far away.  There were choices of maybe two or three stores to choose from within five blocks or so from the home.      
But big business corporations invaded the inner-city in the 1970’s with “white owned, huge supermarket corporations" and literally forced many family operated, inner-city confectioneries to shut down.  The small confectioneries could not compete with the lower prices that the “new boys” in town were offering. The few Black owned stores that survived the invasion had to charge their customers a bit more for their products just to remain in business.
As a result, the closing of several neighborhood confectioneries in the inner-city opened the door for the liquor stores to cash in on the product sales.  The ‘Cut Rate’ that primarily sold liquor, pork rinds, and chewing gums, took up the ‘slack’ of community confectioneries "forced" out of business to become the new ‘everything store in the hood’.  Now, you can purchase everything from sardines, coffee, Ramen noodles, corn meal, and a loaf a bread, to pampers, roach spray, cupcakes, potato chips, a pack of bologna, and even black eyed peas at  virtually any liquor store stationed in the innercity. The problem with this scenario is that the liquor stores has filled the void of neighborhood confectioneries and sell just as much candy to children in the neighborhood as they do liquor to adults.  
t is a common thing to see children and youth venture into liquor stores during ‘party time’ hours to wait in line behind “Skillet” or “June Bug”  to purchase their half pints, 6 pack of tall Stags,  and 30 cents single cigarettes, (the Black community has been selling single cigarettes for more than 40 years) before the youth can buy a bag of corn curls and a snickers candy bar. 
During “four day holiday weekends”, Friday thru Monday, quite often one can observe a mixture of up to a dozen  adults and children waiting in line to purchase their ‘treats’.  The liquor store business owners do not seem to understand that “drunks” and children “shopping” together is not a “common sense” method of conducting business.
Perhaps one of the most demeaning processes inside a Black owned liquor store stationed in “the ghetto” is that business is conducted with the public behind a “bullet proof glass structure” where customers through a “wooden dresser draw” or other creative method that separates customers and vendor.
Nevertheless, there should be a law that forbids children to purchase anything from establishments that sell liquor also. This includes ‘the ‘middle east opportunist’ that make a handsome profit from both the youth and adults purchasing their products.  
The sad part of this is that the innercity areas of metro areas in the U.S. are the only communities that still allow minors to purchase items from a liquor establishment.
If concerned citizens don’t pursue a mandate forbidding youth to purchase items from businesses that also sell liquor, the youth will be influenced to accept going to the liquor store as a normal way of life. After living in a particular East St. Louis, Illinois, USA, community for 26  years, I have observed the same kids that bought candy at the liquor store as children that are now buying liquor just as regularly as adults.  Essentially, those kids are “set up to drink up”. The bottom line is that the Cut Rate employs an ingenious marketing strategy to insure future customers for their liquor.  It is a clever “marketing” campaign that has worked successfully in the innercity for several decades.
It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that will not allow children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages.  This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access. Ken Bleu Campbell, The Urban Spirit
 Doing the Right Thing?  What Goes Around Comes Around Do We Really Reap What We Sow?
The statement, “What Goes Around; Comes Around is a commonly uttered thing in all of the innercity’s of America, but is usually said only when “somebody does somebody else wrong”.  This  saying is no more than the biblical truth of, “God is not mocked, Whatever a person “sows” that will he also reap”.  (Galatians 6:7)
But if people really believed that “What goes around really does Come back around”, they would also know that this same principle can be exercised in a positive manner, on purpose, as well.  
The law of reaping and sowing as recorded in Galatians 6:7 is not a threat by God for “humanity to get their act right or else” as some religions purport, but rather a principle anyone can purposely initiate to ensure that what one “puts out”, they will attract back into their lives. 
This means that anyone can “sow” and “give” on purpose and expect a “return” in kind of what is given.  The problem with this truth is that most people sow “accidentally” because they do not realize that there is such a law. 
The simplicity of this task is that our part is to plant the “seeds” or giving and the “Universes” (Father Elohim) task is to see to it that the seeds sown grow and mature.  But if the “seeds” sown and given are of a “negative” nature, these “seed” will still germinate and manifest as “weeds” and “negative” circumstances.
Due to  ignorance  (i.e. to ignore) of this universal law, a great Number of people reared in the innercity have “Borrowed” the Belief, “If it were not for bad luck, I wouldn’t have "no" luck at all.” This belief has been handed down through generations and accepted as indisputable fact.  Those that did not know how to “sow on purpose” became victims of the same law that is responsible for attracting only what is “sown” or given. The law is so absolute that even money and other tangible objects are subject to it.  
If one desired financial increase, for example, they would begin to give financially to  constructive  organizations and people.  This kind of giving is similar to planting   vegetable seeds in a garden and expecting a later harvest. 
By applying this powerful principle in the area of attracting Love and Friendships, one need only to “give” (plant first) what one desires in return (later harvest).  This principle never fails to multiply the exact “kind” and “spiritual level” of all actions, words, deeds, and thinking patterns “sown”.  Ask yourself this question.  Am I sowing on purpose by accident? Luke 6:38
Really Down Low 
Urban Spirit Exclusive
Former Crack Addict Almost Killed From “Phony Money Scheme
"The New, Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the Hood", Crack Cocaine and its companion of demonic spirits has once again whispered into the ears of the addicted another foolish scheme to “Get High”...
A former Crack addict shared with the Urban Spirit her personal experience that paint a pretty good picture of crack spirits “controlling” a "rabbit chaser". She admitted that during her addiction to crack she would lie, cheat, or steal, in order to get the drug.
Once, in the possibility of danger, she and her husband at the time, wanted a "hit" so badly that they decided on a plan to “trick” the "dope man" for crack.
Their plan: Use some “play” money from one of their children’s board games that looked very close to the real thing, drive to an area where known street crack dealers were, and purchase crack with the play money.
They waited until it turned dark outside to carry their plan out hoping to deceive the dealer with the fake money in a purchase. So around 3am in the morning they drove to a known area where drug dealers peddled but did not pay attention to the parking lot which had several speed bumps recently placed there to discourage drivers from speeding.
The husband slowly drove towards the dealer and upon approaching him asked did he know of any place he could get "a little "something, something" (good crack). The dealer replied by displaying several bags of crack - when the husband driving the car abruptly “snatched” the bags out of the dealers hand and sped off, accelerating as fast as he could, over speed bumps and all.
Without warning, the dealer reached into his waistband, pulled out a gun, and began shooting at the car, emptying every bullet in his gun’s chamber, as the car “bobbed” up and down, scurrying off the parking lot.
The wife stated that she had no idea that her husband was going to do what he did and during the shooting she ducked under her car seat and started praying that they would not be killed. Fortunately for the husband and wife, not one of the bullets hit them or the car.
That was 14 years ago. Today the wife is clean and free from all crack addiction. She credits her successful rehabilitation to prayer, church, and attending meetings occasionally with a local narcotics anonymous organization.
It is a fact that almost every African American "has a relative or a close associate" that is addicted to crack. Don't You? With an estimated 75 million African Americans in the U.S. it is safe to estimate that perhaps 3- 4 million Black folk in the U.S. are regular users of crack and as a result have made the drug dealers extremely wealthy. This is indeed an epidemic if ever there was one. It would be advantageous if regular prayers be executed for this large group of Black folks enslaved within this genocidal attack. The only way for this kind of evil to continue is for those that recognize it - do absolutely nothing.
Since the arrival of crack cocaine in the inner city around 1983, homicides amongst African American males between the ages of 19 and 37 have increased 37%.  Urban Spirit
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Denzel Washington Gives $1 Million Check to Black Church
Church of God in Christ Pastor Aiding Black Children in Africa
Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington has reportedly given Bishop Charles Blake of the West Angeles Church of God in Christ in Los Angeles, California a million dollar check for the churches outreach to the nation of Africa. Bishop Blake’s coordinating efforts for Save Africa’s Children over the last five years provides food, basic education, and other necessities for over 50,000 orphans daily in addition to combined efforts with other churches of constructing water wells. The outreach touches the lives of over 1 million Africans yearly.
Washington gave the check after a church service to Bishop Blake whose congregation membership has grown to over 240,000 members from the humble beginnings of a 10 member storefront church over 30 years ago.
Blake’s and Washington’s efforts have also touched the hearts of many other celebrities. Well known entertainers like Natalie Cole, Ray Romano, Angela Bassit, Stevie Wonder, and Lou Gossit, Junior, are among those that have given their financial and volunteer aiding for the missions and aid to Africa. Many of these celebrities, including Denzel Washington and his family are active, faithful members the West Angeles church congregation.
Slavery of Joseph in the Bible and Blacks in America Very Similar
Insightfully, Bishop Blake states, “The African American people in the United States are in a position similar to that of the slavery of Joseph as mentioned in scripture“. (Genesis Chapter 37).
“Just as Joseph was sold to slavery by his own relatives, so were the Black folks in America. But unlike Joseph, after he prospered in the land where he was enslaved, he returned to his own country to help his people survive a great famine. In the same way, we as African American people should in a sense, return to their original land by extend a helping hand to our ethnicity.”
“The continent of Africa’s average citizen’s yearly income is less than per year and have been impoverished through colonialism and other outside countries invasion upon their land for wealth and control for over 500 years, and Africa has never recovered . “
“I believe that in spite of the wickedness of slavery enforced upon African American’s, we as a people, both Black and Christian, can respond to this injustice just as Joseph in did scripture. Blacks were basically forced into the same position in America as Joseph but can replenish this act by helping the less fortunate within their own community and eventually extend that hand abroad. The story of Joseph and his brothers in scripture does not make slavery right or beneficial, but teaches us how to make something positive out of something so wicked and degrading.“
“ t is not only the duty of Blacks that are Christians but also an obligation to the all Blacks that have been blessed to extend at least some of their good fortunes to the ancestors of their own generation“, Blake concluded.
Washington came to the aid of Blake’s efforts a few years ago but his charity was not divulged to the media until recently when Bishop Blake thanked Washington for his assistance on a daily Christian television broadcast. Unlike other celebrities, Washington did not call a press conference to boast of his charity. Many of his constituents have also followed Denzel’s example as a result.
Africans in America Helping African’s in Africa
It is quite encouraging and inspiring to know that Black people in America are actually extending aid to the suffering people of Africa. Traditionally, the media has only presented to the American public outreaches that Whites implement in aiding foreign nations.
Most people are not aware of Black people or organizations in America that are specifically designed for aid to foreign countries. Organizations like Larry Jones’s Feed the Children daily broadcast, together with the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, and Billy Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse are perhaps the only outreaches that most are familiar with.
Bishop Blake is extending invitations to African American churches and the Black community to become a part in this effort of uniting and assisting the “other brothers and sisters” that are suffering daily, possess virtually nothing including very little hope for themselves and the future of their children.
Click link below to partner with thousands of Blacks, other organizations, and concerned people worldwide for this very important outreach, and to view video invitations from celebrities. Urban Spirit
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“Drunk Man With Pistol and Half Pint of Liquor in Back Pocket Staggers into Church and Gets Saved”    To Obtain Your Copy Please Send Name and Address along With Any  Donation to:Urban Spirit Newspaper Subscription,Attn: email 
Just Another Day in the Hood....Three Men went  to the former Wendy’s Restaurant that was located on St. Louis Avenue in East St. Louis, Illinois, USA, for a business meeting.  While preparing for the meeting, one of the men ordered the “All You Can Eat Salad Bar” and the other two men ordered coffee. 
After the manager of the restaurant observed one of the coffee drinkers sampling some of the paid salad bar customers strawberries, the manager stormed to the table and says, “Look, the sign says ‘All You can Eat, Not all “Yall” can eat!”
Although the establishment always seemed to overflow with daily customers, the Restaraunt closed in 1993 claiming a lack of business.  The building was abandoned and  as it deteriorated  and was an eyesore within the community  until it was destroyed by fire in 2001.  
Most residents believe that homeless crack addicts and mentally challenged people that often stayed in the delapadated building inadvertently caused the fire with candles and drug use.
Heard It Through the Grapevine...
One Mans Opinion..
Stray Dogs in E. St. Louis, Illinois Acting Like Black folks that Hang on Corners
By Ken Bleu Campbell, The Urban Spirit 
Over the past few years or so there are quite a few stray dogs roaming the streets of our neighborhood. Several near accidents of cars hitting dogs as they cross the street are almost common occurrences.
A Bi-State bus driver said recently that dogs in “East Boogie” seem to be ‘hanging on street corners and roaming in the streets, just like many city residents do in the summer time.
“The dogs have even learned how to “move their bodies” instead of running from oncoming cars in traffic”, he said. “Dogs, just like children are influenced by adult behavior and copy what they do. It seems like stray dogs have their own “running dogs” that hang on corners without purpose, just as they see other people do”.
Similar to people “cursing” at cars that nearly hit them in the streets, one dog barked at an oncoming car recently that almost hit him.  But instead of getting out of the way or running from potential danger, the dog slightly moved his body as the car passed by. It seemed as though the dog was “busy “handling his business” trying to see what was going on across the street and when the oncoming car almost hit him and obstructed his view, the dog barked as if to “cuss” out the motorist for almost hitting him.
“I have seen the same pack of 3 and 4 stray dogs roaming the streets and hanging on the same corner, 45 minutes after returning to the area during his bus route”, he stated.
The city is pestered by stray dogs because original owners failed to care for them properly and the city seems only to occasionally respond to the dog problem by disposing deceased dogs dying in the community. Some fear that this might evolve into a health hazard but no one in the community is actively pursuing this issue.
Like most innercity areas of America, the city governments budget does not include animal control and humane services. This is the case in East St. Louis, Illinois, USA, as well.
Statistics and Facts Few Know or Care About
What's Going On?
PRISON: The New Black Mans Hotel?  In America’s federal prisons there is a steady flow of about 62% - 72% African Americans being incarcerated for non violent drug crimes but Blacks do not sale or consume 62% - 72% of the nation’s illegal drugs. Although only 20% of the United States prisons are populated with Blacks, 50% of all death row inmates are Black.
Did You Know? Whites nationally commit 80% of all crimes but 50% of all homicides nationwide involve African Americans. The United States locks up more prisoners than any other country in the world except Russia. 62% of those prisoners are African Americans
Over 2,400,000 (2.4 million) youth under the age of 18 are arrested every year in the United States. There are over 200 million firearms in the United States. Guns kill over 24,000 people.
The U.S. Death Penalty
59 death row prisoners since 1960 were found to be innocent and released close to their execution dates. Since 1976, there have been 13 juveniles under the age of 18 executed for their crimes in the U.S. 7 of those executions were in the state of Texas. 361 people have been executed in the electric chair in the state of Texas. The last one was in 1964.
There have been over 100 executions in the U.S. since 1979 using the chemical potassium chloride, which stops the heart. The first executions in American modern history were mobbed by thousands of protesters. Today that number has dwindled to very few.
Big Time Dope in the U.S.
Although less than 5% of the world’s population live in the United States, U.S. citizens consume more than 50% of the worlds processed cocaine. The ATF, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agency, estimate that $1 - trillion in illegal crack cocaine sales are transacted yearly. This estimate would make 200,000 drug dealers millionaries each year.
Drunks Amongst Us?
The U.S. consumes more liquor yearly than the cost of the national defense yearly budget.
The Only Way for These Evils to continue Thriving is for Blessed People to Do Absolutely Nothing
Recommended Readings
On Her Own Ground, The Life and times and Madam C.J. Walker.. by Alelia Bundles..
The Author of this extraordinary book presents a scholarly, historical, accurate, and inspirational story  of inspiration and hope, referencing the diaries and chronicles and  her  great, great, grand mother, Madam C.J. Walker. The daughter of slaves, Madam C. J. Walker was orphaned at seven, married at fourteen and widowed at twenty.
She spent the better part of the next two decades laboring as a washerwoman for $1.50 a week. Then with the discovery of a revolutionary hair care formula for black women everything changed. By her death in 1919, Walker managed to overcome astonishing odds: building a storied beauty empire from the ground up, amassing wealth unprecedented among black women and devoting her life to philanthropy and social activism. Along the way, she formed friendships with great early-twentieth-century political figures such as W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington.
 R A C I S M  
The Hinderer of America’s Complete Spiritual Growth And True Liberty
Defining “Nigger”
Borrowed Beliefs, Crisis of Identity and Class
There are two groups of African Americans that emerged from the “subconscious stronghold“ of slavery. They are “niggers” and “Black” folks. Black folks are decent hardworking people with noble aspirations while “niggers” are entirely different. Since the word “nigger” is defined as “Grudgingly mean about spending granting, and harmony, we know that “niggers” come in all skin shades.
When the U.S. Constitution chronicled “colored” people as just three fourths of a human being (man) 126 years ago (1879), together with “slapping” their last name “identities” on Black slaves owned, a permanent “under classed” raced was spawned.
98% of African Americans still carry “substitute“ Caucasian last names derived from “legal slave ownership“, (Johnson, Jackson, Brown, Williams, Green, etc). Many believe that “stripping” a man of his “identity” (and reneging on 40 acres and a mule) has been the underlying cause of “an assembly line” of “niggers” being rolled off the carpet in “America” with no clue of who they are and what they want.
Not knowing whom we are as African American people has been responsible for the lack of “unity” for decades. It is common knowledge that if men do not whom they are, they have no “constitution” in which to base their behavior and choices. They can only be imitators. However, in this fact changing ones name will not change whom they are. I believe that discovering our true identity can only be found in Christ and not by discarding a name that was branded upon us. In this anointing we can develop a solid constitution and structure for the future generation to emulate and pursue.
Not understanding ones original true spiritual and ethnic heritage will always lead people perceiving themselves and others as inferior. That is why the word “nigger” remains popular in American culture.       Urban Spirit
Copyright 2005 Urban Spirit Publishing